When you are planning your wedding you ask the people who are close to you to be a part of it. You ask your best friend or brother or sister to be the maid of honor or best man. You good friends to be bridesmaids or groomsmen. These are the people at the time, you think are always going to be around. You have no idea that this will change. You have been friends forever, do things together and are there when you need someone to talk to.
Well I have found this not to be so. I think about this every once in a while. As you get older it seems you see less and less of those you thought would be around. Everyone that was part of our wedding, except my sister I hardly ever see or hear from.
It isn’t all their fault, I am guilty too. Life gets busy and its easy to put that phone call off. I have good friends I need to call or drop a line to but keep putting it off.
But really, it is sad that those who were part of such an important day of your life have totally disappeared. Most everyone in our wedding has vanished. There are only a couple people that I know where they are at right now. Even family has disappeared. I feel very sad that so much time has passed that we have all lost touch.
My mom was in contact with all her friends that were in her wedding. They all would at least write letters to each other. This is a custom hat has been lost thanks to technology. It is to easy to pop a simple email to someone. Letters would be more personal. It would make you feel important.. that someone took the time to write and pop the letter in the mail.
I hope this year I can find the time to catch up with my friends. Maybe even figure out where those who were in are wedding have gone to. Friends are to important to loose, you can never have to many!
Until tomorrow… take care
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