Wednesday, February 3, 2016

As Time Goes By

Have you ever wondered how much of your life passes you by while you are waiting?  I think of all the things I could be getting done instead of waiting ... and waiting.
Like going to the doctors.  How many times have you  waited for at least an hour in the waiting room and then finally brought back into a little cold room to wait some more!  So you sit there board because you forgot to grab a magazine and hoping it won't take to long.  You wait and wait and then... finally the door opens and it ends up being the nurse to get your information..  the information that they all ready have.   Then you wait some  more for that door to open.. and finally... finally the doctor comes in to spends five minutes with you if you are lucky.
Or, you are at the grocery store and ready to check out.  Trying to figure out what check out lane is going to be the quickest is a crap shoot.  So you think you picked the quickest cashier only to have the person ahead of you not able to figure out how to use their new debit card, or a price isn't right and they have to get someone to check it out.  
Then there is that fun wait on hold for that wonderful customer service person who of course you won't be able to understand anyway.  Sometimes if you are lucky you will be waiting a while and then get disconnected.  Great now to have to start all over again!
Another fun wait is road construction.  Miles ahead the sign says.. right lane closed in 3 miles.  So you move over to the left lane but you are about the only one to do so. Everyone thinks they can get a head of you by staying in that right lane until there is no more lane and now they have to cut in front of you.  But it isn't just one car.. but 20 cars because they ran out of road and have to get over so you and the people behind you that follow the rules are screwed.  Wait, wait wait... 
How about some of the other small waiting aggravations.  You are ready to go some where and you have to wait for the rest of the family to get in the car.   The wait for the bathroom.  Waiting for family is always a good way to waist time.
Or going to the beauty saloon.  Or on the other hand.. you work at a beauty saloon and have to wait for that slow family who are still getting in the car.
I could go on and on with all the time that gets wasted because of waiting!  I hate it .. because, as you know, I never have enough time in the day.  I would really love to get some of this time back.  I could really put it to good use!
Until tomorrow .... take care

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