Thursday, June 30, 2016

Orange Is The New Pavement

I have decided that summer is now the season of orange barrels!   I know that the roads are in bad shape and in need of repair but pleeeassseee  lets do one or two roads at a time.
I am so sick of trying to find new routes to get to where I am going and no sooner do I find a replacement road; more barrels are put out and another road is closed!
This summer here in Grand Rapids seems to be worse then normal.  I feel like every road heading north and south is ether ripped up or completely closed.  I am so sick of orange signs, orange cones and barrels. 
Why or why can't they complete one road then go to the next one.  It seems like they love to rip all the roads up at once and let them set a while before doing much work on them.  When going past the road construction it always looks like hardly anyone is working on the road.  I think they have so many ripped up that they don't have enough workers to get them all done.  It seems like they could save a lot of money by working on one or two roads at at time.  Put all the workers on those couple roads and get them done faster, then move to the next road. 
Look at all the money the city and state could save by not having to buy so many signs, barrels and cones!  I think I might look into buying some stock in the orange cone and barrel company!
I feel so sorry for the business that are held hostage due to road construction.  Some make it though the mess and some don't.  If it didn't take them so long to get the road completed it might save some of those poor business!   
Lets end the season of orange.. lets hope that our government officials can find a better way to repair the roads with out having to rip up the whole area at one time!
Ok.. end of my rant for today
Until next time take care...

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