As I have been reading about the Transgender bathroom issue it makes me wonder .. with everything that is going on with the world we are worrying about where people are going to go pee.
I find it silly .. for one thing, if people are worried about who goes in what bathroom stall who’s to say it doesn’t already happen? Really, usually the men and women’s bathrooms are right next to each other. If anyone wanted to be a peeping tom or pervert how easy to just slip in. I am sure it happens but no one hears about it. Now that the Transgender folks want to use the bathroom that they feel comfortable in it has become a big issue.
In a women’s bathroom there are stalls with doors. Unless you look under the stall you are away from everyone. I find that a lot of Transgender women look better then regular women. Some cross dressers you would never know. Who knows.. this could have been going on all ready but just never knew about it until now.
Back in the olden days people would go out behind a tree or use an out house which was used by ever one. I doubt they really worried about it. As long as they peed against the wind they were good to go. lol
I feel if someone wants to do harm the are going to do it whether or not there is a law. How easy for the bad guy to slip in the bathroom and hide. I doesn’t have to be a Transgender person, just because they are a little different doesn’t mean they are going to do something bad. There are plenty of regular folks who are bad that molest children or take pictures of people in the bathroom. It is not fair to think that Transgender folks are bad.
Lets stop worrying about something dumb. There is enough really big things in the world to worry about. Lets all pee in peace!
Until next time take care….
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