Sunday, April 3, 2016

The Whole Coconut Book Review

I love coconut and when I saw this book it peaked my interest!  Not only is it a book with all coconut recipes,  but it also has gluten free and dairy free.
The author Nathalie Fraise has started the book with information on the benefits of coconut.  I never knew how really good coconut is for you .. I just loved the taste! lol
It helps with inflammation, helps the immune system,  boosts the metabolism and more..
There are many different forms of coconut that I  never knew of, such as coconut vinegar or coconut nectar.   He also tells you how to make coconut milk and butter.
Of course starting out the first chapter is breakfast dishes, all of which have some form of coconut.  Some of the recipes are pretty different such as Banana Cauliflower Farina.  The next chapter is the main course, then is salads and sides, followed by snacks, drinks then ending with deserts.
The book is nicely illustrated, but I do wish there were a few more pictures of some of the dishes.  I also think that this is a book for more accomplished cooks.  A lot of the recipes look pretty difficult and complicated to me.   Some of the ingredients may be difficult to find in some areas also.
Even though it might be more of a challenge for me to make some of these recipes, I still plan on giving it a good try.  I love coconut and they look too yummy not to try.
I would give this book a 4 out of 5 rating.  Worth checking out!


Nathalie Fraise is a natural foods chef and nutrition educator, and the creator of the cooking app and food blog Vanille Verte ( where she shares tasty and healthy, nutrient-dense recipes. Her mission is to inspire people to reclaim their kitchen and cook for themselves and their families, as she firmly believes that this is the very best road to health and vibrancy.

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