Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Dance Mom's A Rant

My daughter loves watching reality TV.  I on the other hand hate most of it.  She loves watching Dance Mom’s.  I think it is a very sad show.
If you have never heard of it, (you are lucky!) it’s about this dance company that Abbey Lee Miller started.  A group of poor girls dancing their hearts out for a bitchy teacher and their nasty mothers.
To me all the show is about are the nasty mothers fighting with each other and with Abby.  Heaven forbid you are a new student and your mom comes because the old mom’s will run you right out.  They are so mean.  Talk about bulling!  If I were those ladies I would be so embarrassed to see myself acting like that.   All they can do is talk bad about each other and the girls are caught in the crossfire.
The girls are all friends and have to deal with their mom’s fighting.  You can tell that the girls just hate how their mom’s act.  It also makes it hard for them to do their best because they are to worried about the fighting going on.   Then on top of it Abbey yells at them all the time.  It is surprising that they can win.
The mom’s also hate Abbey.  They spend half the show talking bad about her and fighting with her. They all think their girl is the best and that Abbey isn’t being fair.  Their daughter should get the solo or be the star.   If you hate Abbey that much and dislike the other mom’s them why in the world would you want to stay.   Drama and cat fighting .. that is what this show is all about, not really about dancing.
Realty TV shows us the sad world we live in.  I am afraid that someday that will be all there is to watch.  It is cheap and easy to produce.  Don’t really need any talent…just need to be bitchy and underhanded… lol    Take me back to the good old days when we had Father Knows Best and the Waltons!
Well this is the end of my rant.
Till tomorrow… take care…

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