Saturday, January 30, 2016

Catching Up With a Friend & Waitress

My daughter Stephanie and I met up with a friend to day that we hadn't seen since fall.  We met her at Denny's.  The waitress set us in the back in a corner booth which was fine.  She was very friendly and patient because we were having a hard time deciding on what to have.  It didn't help that we were chatting more then looking at the menu.  We finally placed our order and she went to place it.
The restaurant wasn't very busy and the waitress seemed to be hovering, which was fine.  But she would over hear our conversation and come over and start chatting with us.  This seemed to happen every time we changed the subject.  It was kind of strange and kind of funny at the same time.  I almost thought about inviting her to set with us lol
I really should't really mention it because she was nice and pretty attentive.  She made sure we had everything we needed and kept my coffee cup filled.  But, it was just strange... I have never had a waitress join in and not just for a second.. but for a few minutes lol 
We did have a nice time catching up... and hoping that we will get together sooner.  Time goes by way to fast!
Until tomorrow... take care

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Who Has Time For Sleep

I wish that I didn’t have to sleep.  It seems like I never have enough hours in my day to get everything I want to get done!
Sleep just seems like a waist of time.  Instead of sleep I could be trying to organize the crap in my house, clean, list on eBay, learn how to sell on Amazon… my list goes on and on.
I try to skip sleep.  I get up around 7:30 and my day starts.  Lately I have had a lot of shipping to do so that takes up most of my morning.  Then I have to decide which project I want to get done.  I really need to list on eBay, we need the money.  They say to make money on eBay you need to work it like a 8 hour job.  So I try to do that, but then I feel guilty because my house is a disaster!
I really need to dig in and organize my house.  Because I sell on eBay the clutter has taken over.  We have paths to follow of plastic totes and piles of stuff.  I need to organize the basement and my back bedroom and maybe then I can fit everything in.  I also need to empty our storage unit. We really can’t afford $129. every month.. but there is to much crap in the way so I can’t get my daughters furniture moved in yet.
So I stay up until 3 am working on eBay.  I sit there trying to list and trying not to fall asleep.  It is not a good thing to dose off when trying to list things on eBay.  I have screwed up a few listings  because of this problem.
I really wish I could be cloned.  That would be so awesome!  I would have myself take my daughter to where ever she needs to go.  Because of her disabilities it is hard for her to drive very far so I am her designated driver lol.    The second me could  help my mom.  The third me could do estate sales.  The fourth me could clean and take care of the house.  the fifth me could cook and entertain…. hey wait a minute … I think I might need a whole army of me to get everything done!  And the last me could sleep.
Sleep… I hate it .. but I guess I need it.   Can’t function with out at least 4 hours of it.   But boy I sure could use it for something else!
Until tomorrow… take care… and get some sleep!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Thursday Night Fox Debate

Agggggrrrr   I am getting so tired of hearing about how dumb, chicken, crazy, etc Donald Trump is for not attending the last debate.   That is all you hear on TV, on Facebook, any media facet.  Who cares…  I haven’t really seen where the debates really tell you much of anything they are going to do anyway.
When asked questions that are relevant they are always vague or will put the other guy down.. that their ideas are bad and his is the best.   All I learn from these debates is how much I dislike all of them.  I think that they all say what they think you want to hear but when the time really comes will the actually do it.
So what if Trump doesn’t attend the debate.   It doesn’t matter because he will still be there anyway.  I am sure the candidates that attend will bring up the fact that he isn’t there.  I am sure the moderators will have something to say about it too.  Trump has it made, he is on every buddy’s  mind whether good or bad.. it is still publicity.
As I said before, the only candidate I like so far is Ben Carson.  But he is such a soft spoken man that among these loud mouths he doesn’t have a chance.  I am hoping that with this debate he might get a chance to speak.
I don’t dislike Trump.  I agree with a lot he has to say.  I think a lot of his demeanor is to make people take notice of him because he is so off the wall compared to your career politicians.  I have a feeling as president he wouldn’t be like that.   But I know a lot of people are afraid that he wouldn’t change.   Who knows…
Ok. done ranting for now.   Can’t wait for this campaigning crap is over with!
Until tomorrow… take care

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Dance Mom's A Rant

My daughter loves watching reality TV.  I on the other hand hate most of it.  She loves watching Dance Mom’s.  I think it is a very sad show.
If you have never heard of it, (you are lucky!) it’s about this dance company that Abbey Lee Miller started.  A group of poor girls dancing their hearts out for a bitchy teacher and their nasty mothers.
To me all the show is about are the nasty mothers fighting with each other and with Abby.  Heaven forbid you are a new student and your mom comes because the old mom’s will run you right out.  They are so mean.  Talk about bulling!  If I were those ladies I would be so embarrassed to see myself acting like that.   All they can do is talk bad about each other and the girls are caught in the crossfire.
The girls are all friends and have to deal with their mom’s fighting.  You can tell that the girls just hate how their mom’s act.  It also makes it hard for them to do their best because they are to worried about the fighting going on.   Then on top of it Abbey yells at them all the time.  It is surprising that they can win.
The mom’s also hate Abbey.  They spend half the show talking bad about her and fighting with her. They all think their girl is the best and that Abbey isn’t being fair.  Their daughter should get the solo or be the star.   If you hate Abbey that much and dislike the other mom’s them why in the world would you want to stay.   Drama and cat fighting .. that is what this show is all about, not really about dancing.
Realty TV shows us the sad world we live in.  I am afraid that someday that will be all there is to watch.  It is cheap and easy to produce.  Don’t really need any talent…just need to be bitchy and underhanded… lol    Take me back to the good old days when we had Father Knows Best and the Waltons!
Well this is the end of my rant.
Till tomorrow… take care…

Monday, January 25, 2016

Political Rant 2016

 don’t know about the rest of you, but I am getting so sick of this upcoming election.   It seems like these idiots have been running for office for a couple years now.  There are so many on the playing field too .. and none of them really have any substance, all they can do is complain about each other.
I hate the debates, all they serve as is a place where they can face each other and put each other down.  Most of the time it is all about who said something stupid, your not a US citizen, I am better the you etc…   not one really say what they are going to do.  No real plans.  I am not even sure if we put the good parts of each of them together there might be a good candidate… sad, sad, sad.
I feel that the campaign season is  way to long.  I think it would be much better if each person that wants to run for office get a certain amount of money to spend. Each candidate would have the same amount.. lets say $50,000.  They are allowed to campaign for just three months.  Each are given two commercials that are two minutes long and no putting the others down.  There would be just  one debate for each party and it wouldn’t last any longer then one hour.  The debate commentators would be regular people and they could only ask questions with substance.  They wouldn’t be allowed to  ask questions to get them to fight with each other.
I am so sick of the “politician”.  I think that is why Trump is doing well and Ben Carson is popular.  They are not the normal politician who ends up owing everyone by the time they are done.  I know Trump isn’t well liked for the things that he says, but in a way it seems kind of refreshing to see someone who says it like it is and not worry about it.
I am also tired of the Media.  All they do is talk about Trump.. good or bad.  It makes me laugh.. no wonder Trump doesn’t have to spend much money on his campaign.  The media is keeping him on everyone’s mind.
Right now I am not sure who I would vote for.  The person that I might have voted for, Carson is starting to fade away.   He is to quite for this bunch of bullies…  He is the only one that doesn’t really get in to the stupid fighting.  But like they say the squeaky wheel gets the oil.    I wouldn’t vote for Clinton she has to much baggage following her and Sanders .. what  a crazy guy lol.
So who knows what will happen by November.  I hope someone worth my vote will make it to the election.  Our country is in big trouble and we need a good leader and right now I really don’t see that happening.
So this is the end of my rant.  I hope I didn’t make anyone mad.  I am just tired of it all…
Till tomorrow .. take care

Friday, January 22, 2016

Grocery Shopping Yuck!

Mom and I went grocery shopping today.  I usually try and take mom once a week to pick up things she needs.  We were talking about how much we really hate grocery shopping.  I was thinking that there isn’t one thing that we enjoy about it, other than the fact we get to spend time together.  Time together that we both dislike lol
I hate having to make a grocery list.  Trying to remember what we need, what we are running out of and what we can afford.  I also have a hard time trying to remember to grab that list before I leave.  Half the time it is left setting on the counter… duhhh lot of good it does me there!  Now I have to rely on my good old memory Ha Ha…
Then I get to the store, grab a cart and off I go trying to stay in budget which is pretty hard to do now a days.  It seems like everything is going up in price; and trying to get as much for as little money I find myself going to at least 2 different stores.  Mom and I usually go to Aldie and Costco.  We have also found a nice discount store Daily Deals.   Once in a while we will hit Big Lots too.   I try to have our journey all mapped out so we aren’t hopping all over the place.
After buying the groceries I hate having to load them up in the car.  When mom goes with me I have to try and keep everything separated.  I put hers in the back of the van with her walker and mine in the back seat.  Then we get back to mom’s apartment I try to pack everything on her walker so she doesn’t have to make more than one trip.  I have gotten pretty good at fitting everything in a box to put on her walker.  It is like putting a puzzle together.  Sometimes I have to put things in bags and hang them from the handles because the box is to full, but it works.  Then I head home with my stuff.
Now is the fun time of unloading and hauling it in the house.  I really hate it in the winter when it is so cold and you are tracking in snow as you go in and out.   Then after I get it all hauled into the house, I now have the joy of finding room to put everything.  Even though we have ran out of things for some reason the area’s that they came from have now filled up.  I am bad, after shopping I am either in a hurry or I am tired, so I just stuff things where ever it will fit without falling out of the cupboard or refrigerator.   It is no wonder I can never find anything when I need it.
The dislike of grocery shopping doesn’t stop there, oh no.. . I also hate cooking the food and cleaning it up.  It goes all the way from start to finish! lol
So that has been my day today.. the joys of grocery shopping.
Until tomorrow… take care

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Joy A Movie Review

I went to see Joy a couple weeks ago and fell in love with the movie.  If you haven't heard about the movie; it is about a down on her luck women who makes it big on QVC.
Jennifer Lawrence plays Joy who is stuck being the grown up for everybody.  She is the care taker for her child, ex-husband, parents and sometimes grandmother.   Her mother has lost all her ambition after she divorced her husband and lives in her room watching soap operas all day long.   Her ex-husband is out of work and living in the basement, her father ends up breaking up with his girlfriend and moves in the basement too.  Her grandmother is her only cheerleader who tells her she is creative and to go for it.
As a child Joy would come up with all kinds of inventions but never got any of them patented.  Running out of money and the house is soon to be foreclosed she goes to her dad for help but only to find out his business isn't doing that great and he has no money.   This is why he is dating a rich lady.   Thanks to a trip on the girlfriends yacht and a broken wine bottle Joy comes up with a new mop idea.
You will have to go and see the movie to find out the rest of the story.  I don't want to spoil it for you.
Robert De Niro is wonderful as Joy's father.  He can be quite the user.  His relation ship with Joy is mixed.   He tires to be caring but then he puts her down all the time.
Isabella Rossellini plays the rich girlfriend how has a tendency to be a rich bitch.
Diane Ladd plays her grandmother who has been Joy's rock always giving her inspiration.
Virginia Madesen plays Joy's mother.  She lives in a world of soap operas, she has lost reality.
Bradley Cooper is great as the QVC guy.  I wish he was in it a little more.. can't beat those blue eyes of his lol
My daughter and I really enjoyed the movie... my mom didn't like how mean the family was to Joy.. made her mad lol
Out of 5 stars I would give this move 4 1/2.  If you haven't yet go and check it out.  I think you will enjoy it!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Morning Frost

Why is it I never think about looking out the window to see what is on the blazer?   You would think after all these years of cleaning off snow I would check.  But nooo….  I am not a morning person.  I hate having to get up out of a nice warm bed and start to wake up my old brain.   First thing on my mind is coffee!  Our cats on the other hand think it should be feeding them lol   After the cats are fed and the coffee is started my brain is beginning to percolate a little,( I think my coffee pot beats me though!), and I go and check my email.  Heaven forbid I miss something important before I start my day.
After a bit I start bugging my daughter to get up.  She is going to Compass Collage of Cinematic  Arts for film.  Because of her health, (and parking downtown), I drive her there.  By the time she is up and moving we are running a little late.   Here is where I am stupid and don’t look out to see what Mother Nature has left on the blazer.
We are already running late and low and behold there is snow or frost on the windshield.  I know its winter and I should expect this occurrence everyday.. but do I .. NO.  Guess I just don’t want to face the music, or should I say the cold morning air.  So out comes the broom and scraper.   Maybe someday I will think to look out the window to see.  Maybe tomorrow….. or not lol
Until tomorrow.. take care

Monday, January 18, 2016

Girls Night Out for Dinner

Monday nights have become girls night out with my mom, my sister, and myself.  We have been doing dinner on Monday nights for a couple years now.  Ever since my dad passed away in 2011 we have been getting together.  My mom really loves it and is happy that my sister and I get a chance to see each other.  I think my mom is the glue that keeps us together.. lol     We have about an hour to visit before my sister has to go back to work.  we have been meeting at Arby's for a month or so now.  We switch around  from Arby's, Wendy's, Stake n Shake and Burger King.  Sooner or later we need to switch up lol
eBay was good to me.. I sold six sets of tea cups, saucers and desert plates.  I was happy to get rid of them but sad to have to ship them.  Today I spent a couple hours and five packages of bubble wrap getting them ready to weigh and be shipped out.   The person that bought them all, (36 pieces total) is from Japan.   The shipping cost was over $150.00 and I worry that this person will change their mind.  Shipping cost can be a sticker shocker!  I started to panic after I got three sets wrapped.. what if this person doesn't want them now and I have them all wrapped up.  I really don't want to have to un - bubble wrap them and have to do it again when they sell... so a light bulb lit above my head!!!  I coded them so I would know what went with what.  Whew  one problem solved lol   My next worry is if this person wants them in the end.. will they make it there in one piece.  I have visions of them turning into puzzle pieces.  Maybe I should send some super glue just in case lol    They had better not break after using 5 packages of bubble wrap!!
Well.. guess I will close now for tonight.  Until tomorrow... take care

Sunday, January 17, 2016

It is Sunday night... spent the afternoon watching old Carol Burnett shows with my mom and daughter.   It was so much fun watching shows that are actually funny!  You can't beat a good variety show.  Setting there with mom remembering other old shows and advertisements.  It is so funny what trivial things I can remember, but yet if its something important my brain is dead.  If you are from the Baby Boomer generation you might want to  check out the old Carol Burnett shows.

As I mentioned, my daughter has Celiac Disease and has to be gluten free.  She has been craving those peanut butter cookies with the chocolate kisses.  I actually found a recipe thanks to the Bisquick web site.  They are called peanut butter blossoms.   They are made from the Gluten Free Bisquick and is pretty simple to mix up.  They are a little time consuming, you have to put the mix in the refrigerator for an hour and then roll them in 1 inch balls.  Making the balls can be a little trying.. I had a little trouble with it crumbling.  All in all it wasn't that bad.. knowing how happy my daughter would be with the end result!   After baking them for about 10 minutes you put the kiss in the center. I stuck the cookies back in the oven just for a few seconds to melt the kiss a little into the cookie then let them really cool so they will stick.

After they were finished I brought a couple to my daughter, she was so happy to see them.  She tried them and loved them so I would give this recipe a 4 out of 5 stars.   Here is a link to the recipe if you would like to try them

I love Betty Crocker she has a lot of great gluten free recipes and products.  I will review more products from Betty in the future.

I had a nice surprise this morning.. I sold 12 sets of teacups, saucers and  matching plats.  On the scary side.. I have to ship 12 sets of teacups, saucers and matching plates to JAPAN!!   Now I need to find regular boxes to ship them in and a ton of bubble wrap.   I am praying that they will make it all in one piece in stead of pieces! lol

Well friends .... guess I will close for tonight.. Stephanie, my daughter has the Democratic Debate on so I think I will check it out.  Right now I am not for anyone.  To me they are all the same, I could go on a rant with this but will save it for another time lol  

Until tomorrow..

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Kathy's Little Bit of This and That: Welcome to my blog..  here I will be talking about...

Kathy's Little Bit of This and That: Welcome to my blog..  here I will be talking about...: Welcome to my blog..  here I will be talking about a verity of things from antiques, eBay, family, book, move, music and television reviews ...
Welcome to my blog..  here I will be talking about a verity of things from antiques, eBay, family, book, move, music and television reviews and more.

 My daughter has Celiac Disease and RSD - Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy,  I will be sharing the struggles we go though, recipes  for a gluten free life and tips for cooking.

I have a small estate sale business and have many stories from sales I have done.

I hope you will enjoy this blog and stay tuned!  If you have any questions on anything I post please feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.

Thanks for reading .... Hoping my next post will be tomorrow... until then good night...