Saturday, November 3, 2018

No News Is GOOD NEWS!!

I have been wondering why things seem to be changing so much in this country compared to years past.  It seems like there is so much anger in the world.  I know there has always been killings, traffic accidents, bad weather, robberies etc... but there seems to be so much of it now.
So my conclusion is that we are inundated with news everywhere we turn.  We now have 24 hours of news on multiple channels along with news all over social media.  I feel it is way more then any human can handle. 
As I think back to childhood, I don't remember everyone mad all the time and stressed out.  I think the difference is that we had only three channels and each had news only three times a day for usually an hour and that would include a half hour of local news.  Also, the news didn't move that quickly like today.  We didn't have cell phones that can broadcast anything and everything in seconds on social media.    We now have 24 hours to fill with every little thing that may be going on.
Since we have multi-channels of news to fill 24 hours a day we get to learn about Aunt Jane's cat getting hit by a car or Joe's grocery store getting robbed.  These are the type of news stories we would get in our local news or in the newspaper, not on the national news.
 Due to having to fill 24 hours a day we get to hear about everything, not just once but over and over again and in many different ways. And now news is more entertainment.  We don't get just the facts.  We get everyone's opinions and spin put into the news. We get to listen to a group of people who will set and argue over different things that are going on.  All this anger going on is so sad.   I miss the good old days when Walter Cronkite would just give us the facts and not a bunch of his opinions along with it.
I feel that because of this our country is losing its mind.   I know everyone wants to blame it on the president, but I feel it has been going on for quite some time.   Because we have all this bad news going on all day long everywhere we turn it is going to sooner or later start to affect people.  It is going to push people into doing things that they may have never thought of,  being copycats because they hear it over and over again until they think it might be a cool way to be seen or heard.
I could go on and on about this subject but it won't change anything.  Until people start to see how 24 hours of news is affecting people and that something should be done about it, I am afraid nothing will change.  It will only get worse.  I would like to ban 24 hours a day news and go back to the good old days,  just broadcast the news three times a day for an hour.  That is plenty of time to hear bad news!