Thursday, July 7, 2016

Punderdome A Game Review

When I saw this new game I thought it sounded fun to play.  Punderdome is based on the live  game show in Brooklyn New York.   So I gathered some friends to give it a try
First you need at least three people to play.  There are 200 game cards and 2 pads to write puns down. The object of the game is to come up with puns to match the cards and win mystery envelope prizes.  The mystery prizes are up to the host to get.  It doesn't come with the game
We had a group of 3 to play.  We found it kind of hard to come up with puns.  Guess we aren't that great at it.   Maybe after playing it more we will get the hang of it.  
If you have more then 3 people you can play in teams which can make it a little easier. 
Out of 1 - 10 I would give this game a 6.   I am not sure I am a big fan of the game yet.  Like I said maybe after playing it more we will have it figured out.
"I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review."


American The Big Melting Pot

I know there has been  a lot of angry talk over immigration.  A lot of people feel that we should stop letting people into the country while others want to let even more in.  
Those who are coming into our country are not like the people who fought to get here in the past.  When  those who  came to America to make a better life , they were proud to learn our history, our language, and wanted to become an American.   Even though they might have still spoke their language at home,  they still spoke English elsewhere.  
Now our country has to change to make it easy for our new people coming in.  Instead of learning English, we have to have everything with different languages.  Call customer service and you end up with at least 2 different languages to choose from.  Schools are changing also.  
In stead of melting into our country, they want to have their own country stuck into ours.  I am afraid that sooner or later there will be so many little "countries" that American won't look the same anymore. 
I am not a raciest, and I hope I haven't come across like I am.  I am all for people coming to America for a better life.  I just hope the are coming for the right reasons and not for what they can get from the country.  We need to all pull together, work together and live together to make this country even better.